Keep in mind that Shaders can be GPU intensive, so performance of the Shaders and DEX 3 depend greatly on your graphics card and overall system performance. Please find a few Shaders below that work great with DEX 3. Installing Shaders for use in DEX 3 is easy, and if you’re technically savvy enough you can create your own Shaders. If enabled in DEX 3, Shaders will display whenever mixing only audio – which provide a seamless method for transitioning from music video mixing, or karaoke, while still maintaining visuals on screen 2 for the audience. ‘ Shaders‘ are free (although some may be marked ‘private’ by the creator) from and come in all types of designs that are ‘drawn’ by your GPU (graphics card) in real-time to generate beat-synced visualizations.

DEX 3.11.01 (and up) supports ‘Shaders’ for on-screen visualizations that add a new visual flair to your mix sets - we’ve selected a few to help jump-start your collection! (see Shader Roundup Part 2)